Is This A Radically, Awesome Cool Map, or What…?


   I have not had much time to do anything creative or blog lately. Yesterday I got some emails from Tsojcanth, at “Lost Papers of Tsojcanth” and there was link to this map he made using regular and vertical geomorphs from “Dyson” and myself. THIS MAP BLEW ME AWAY!!!!! What an awesome concept, damn it looks so purty!! What a great way to combine both styles of geomorphs.  Now if someone could just design a web-app like “Dave’s Mapper” to do maps like these, (Hint, Hint..)  much fun could be had by all!!! Great job Tsojanth….a very inspired idea.  You Sir….are a genius!!!



15 responses to “Is This A Radically, Awesome Cool Map, or What…?”

  1. words fail to describe the awesomeness of that map.

  2. Yes, ok, I’ll write the webapp. Happy now? 🙂

    1. Doooooooooooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit !!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. BTW, thanks for the kind words. Both kinds of geomorph share the same interface (size and corridor locations) so i just plugged them together 🙂

  4. that is very cool

  5. rorschachhamster Avatar

    That’s soooo great.
    And beats my idea with added entries in sidemorphs by parsecs.

  6. Oh…my…god. That is the coolest thing I’ve seen all day (and then some).

  7. Hey that is very cool, great idea!

  8. My spoken-out-loud response upon seeing this “Oh… WOW!!!” 🙂

  9. Brilliant integration. It just looks so amazing.

  10. Hey,
    Mind if I use the dungeon for my OPDC2012 entry? Cheers!

    1. It’s your map wildman, the geomorphs I make are free to be used by anyone, of course I hope that when they are used I am mentioned in the credits, as that always makes me a happy camper..:)

      1. Thanks! Sure you will be credited! 🙂

      2. When its all over send me a copy of it and I’ll post it here as well….

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