….More Vertical Geomorphs…..”Monkey In Training”


     Here are the last two vertical geomorphs in my first set of 6. The first one is some more of the rickety wooden construction platforms, with “Chains”….(I’m talking to you m.s. jackson..:) The second one is a lot of fun, here we have an underground lake surrounding a small dark tower. The only way to get to that area is to climb a tall natural shaft. Entering the tower leads to a deep temple worshiping the tentacle god, which of course lurks in the murky depths of the lake. (Sorry m.s. I couldn’t resist lifting your idea for that…..) I had to go in and digitally clean up the lines for the tentacles and the statue, as my pen strokes just couln’t muster the detail I needed, feels like I cheated a little there…but it was worth it for the look I got., I think. I do want to give full credit to m.s. jackson over at ….Lapsus Calumni…. for the inspiration for the “Tentacle God” thank you sir!!! Watch that kid, I expect to see some more great stuff to come.



8 responses to “….More Vertical Geomorphs…..”Monkey In Training””

  1. These are fantastic and very inspirational!

  2. Wow. These are truly wonderful. I’m totally inspired to go back to the drawing board and try to catch up with you, Dyson, and Matt (at lapsus calumni). Going to have wait a few days, though…

  3. @Fenway5…..Thanks Dude, now I’m waiting to see a “Pocket Full of Peril” gone vertical….:)

    @Risus Monkey….Now we’re all trained monkey’s for Jeff Rients…….:)

  4. I love all of these. Now when will we see them in a category over at Dave’s Mapper??!! I’m dying here!!! Thanks for sharing these they are awesome.

    1. @JimPacek-Thank You, I appreciate it, spread the word…..there are more coming down the pike….!!!

  5. These things are just way too much fun to do, not sure why….they just are.

  6. I totally missed these, awesome morphs! I agree, these things are just silly fun. I think it may be because we are each adding in little bits of flavor very reminiscent of some of the early D&D art. I love what you have done with the chains and woodwork, freaking awesome stuff!

    1. Oh yeah, m=Matt, no need to be all formal and stuff. 😉

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