…..Friday’s “Mystery Meat”…..A map doodle…..

    ~ Attention. Here’s an update on tonight’s dinner. It was veal. I repeat, veal. The winner of tonight’s mystery meat contest is Jeffrey Corbin who guessed “some kind of beef.”~

     This week I was working on a surveilance system at one of our companies, while I was waiting for my helper to move from camera to camera, I doodled on my legal pad. I drew a side view map doodle, experimenting with the regular fill and a rock & dirt fill (Thanks Dyson…!!). It’s not much, but it is kind of interesting…and it was fun to do. I am such a dilligent, hard working employee…:) It is also a peak into another concept map I am working on….

8 thoughts on “…..Friday’s “Mystery Meat”…..A map doodle…..

    1. I beg to differ, I always thought you were much more creative than I am, and definitely way more productive. I just emulate your style….because I like it, and it has unleashed my creative side, at least for map drawings.

  1. BEA-UT-I-FUL! Man that is an awesome design! Does it hurt to be that awesome? even if it does, man up and keep the goods coming! 😀

  2. That looks great. I too find myself copying Dyson far too much! This looks outstanding!

  3. There is just something so iconic about Dyson’s style, isn’t there? This is a great doodle, and I thank you for sharing it!

  4. It is simple, yet elegant. Without much, you’ve created a space where just about any kind of delve could take place.
    Digression–where is the picture taken from?

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